Saturday, August 2, 2008

What to Expect!

Welcome to my Blog.

I'm guessing most of you know me already since I probably directed you here from If not, My name is Jamie, I'm 19 and I love life. I love self improvement and I currently work as a male model (see pictures on the bottom).

Without further delay I will explain what I hope to do and achieve with this blog. For the most part this is an experiment to see if people will respond well to this and (hopefully) decide to create one too.

I'm a strong believer in documenting things to asses and archive progress. After all I have been doing this on and off now for about a year since joining the really powerful community of I will be posting journal entry's, articles, adventures, guides and media that hopefully will help you all! Most of the this stuff will also be available on the forum but I hope to add a few things.

So first of all let me explain to you who don't know how you can optimize this, so you don't have to keep coming back here if you don't want to. After all it is already past half way through 2008 and I'm sure time is something you all can't afford to waste.

So I suggest you get a Google account, which provides you with Gmail and A LOT of awesome stuff. Mostly though for blogs you should look into which basically gives you a place to subscribe all your blogs too (meaning you just have to check there and there will be updated posts from which ever blog you have posted too) just click the subscription feed so it is constantly feeding your Google reader.

Hopefully I can get other friends to start a blog so that you all can see what sort of lifestyle we all live!

Today Is the 2nd Of August So I will write down on here my Goals for this month.

1. BODY - Keep my newly acquired 6-pack clean (nutrition), Strong and developed. I would also like to increase my Adonis belt size (the V shape on your waist), Develop my chest more and increase the muscle size on my back. Start seriously working on my flexibility.
2. HEALTH - Develop a healthy Nutritional plan that helps me maintain my current BF% and lets me gain muscle. Yay! I can eat carbohydrates this month! (lol not that i didn't before, but very little!) AND stop using the fact that I finished that big show to eat shit!
3. BUSINESS - Increase traffic to the forum (please help!), learn to make money online with the 30 day challenge (started yesterday! need team mates!) and make $50 USD! :D Set up blog with good traffic!

These are only a few for this month. Things are easy when you get them going but hard if you don't know exactly what you want! So start your own journal and start making some goals!

Oh and also every now and again I will add a track or song I love for each post. Something for you all to listen too and expand your musical horizons. In the music world things are bad. It seems the popular mainstream music is POOR and the unknown stuff is GREAT.

Oh you can keep up with me more with Twitter which I plan to use a lot more. See the section on the right for my address!

Live love and live,